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    Over the coming years Ismail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.

  • Recruiter Profiles

    And because we understand the importance of staying connected, Nimble enables people to send mobile airtime top-ups.

  • Advertise a Job

    Millions of us now rely on Mobile Money services instead of bank accounts, so we offer transfers directly to them.

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The Jobs in Greater Sudbury portal is a valuable tool accessible to 700+ Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce members. If you would like to learn more about benefits of becoming a chamber member, please visit sudburychamber.ca or call us at 705-673-7133.
Please click on "Forgot Password?" on the sign-in page and follow the instructions in the email to change your password. If this doesn't work, please contact us at [email protected].
Please follow the instructions provided by the employer in the job posting.
Please contact us at [email protected]. or 705-673-7133 to learn about advertising opportunities.
Yes. You can either give access to your main account by sharing your username and password with them or you can add your staff to your company account by following these steps: 1. Log in to your account. 2. Go to My Account and then click on Company Profile. 3. At the bottom of the page click on "+ Add Account Member" and follow the steps.
Please ensure your username and password are correct. If you don't remember your password, click on "forgot password?" on the sign-in page and follow the steps. If you still have any concerns, please contact us at [email protected].
Log in to your account and under "My Account" click on "Delete Profile" on the bottom left side of the screen and follow the steps.
The Jobs in Greater Sudbury Portal is only accessible to Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce members. We approve accounts to ensure only members are taking advantage of the job portal.
Please follow the instructions in the job posting provided by the employer.

General Inquiries

The Jobs in Greater Sudbury portal is a valuable tool accessible to 700+ Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce members. If you would like to learn more about benefits of becoming a chamber member, please visit sudburychamber.ca or call us at 705-673-7133.
Please click on "Forgot Password?" on the sign-in page and follow the instructions in the email to change your password. If this doesn't work, please contact us at [email protected].
Please follow the instructions provided by the employer in the job posting.
Please contact us at [email protected]. or 705-673-7133 to learn about advertising opportunities.
Yes. You can either give access to your main account by sharing your username and password with them or you can add your staff to your company account by following these steps: 1. Log in to your account. 2. Go to My Account and then click on Company Profile. 3. At the bottom of the page click on "+ Add Account Member" and follow the steps.
Please ensure your username and password are correct. If you don't remember your password, click on "forgot password?" on the sign-in page and follow the steps. If you still have any concerns, please contact us at [email protected].